Monday, December 8, 2008

Nez Perce Dance & Drum Show

The Nez Perce Dance & Drum show at McDonald Elementary School in Moscow was a wonderful event! It was part of our Building Cultural Bridges program with Lapwai, Id. The students got to watch traditional Nez Perce dance and learn about the regalia. There was an informative question and answer period afterwards. The students even got to get up and dance with the dancers!! Such a great time!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Living Window Display Music Video

Living Window Display 2008

The Living Window Display was a huge success! It was enchanting! The dancers did a wonderful job of entertaining the crowds - and themselves. :o)

A Magical Peter Pan Christmas!

MOMIX was a hit! I haven't written a post since before MOMIX because - well because, it's just been VERY BUSY at Festival Dance. :o) We're working on A Magical Peter Pan Christmas and it is coming along brilliantly. I am very pleased with our casting: Siri Hammond is a wonderful Peter, and all of the key parts are absolutely wonderful!! Shows are December 13, 3:00 & 7:00 and Dec. 14, 3:00 at the Hartung Theatre. Tickets on sale at Paradise Ridge CDs in downtown Moscow. I'll post more later. For now, here are some pictures.