We are living in scary times…Arts funding from every source has taken a beating, and in general, there is a feeling of unease in the arts world.
Festival Dance is feeling the uncertainty.
Through tough times and good times, we positively impact our community by educating youth in the arts and by providing diverse artistic opportunities that are accessible to all. By bringing world class performances to the area, providing free educational performances for 5,000 youth in 13 area communities, helping the universities with dance classes and programs for students, and offering dance courses in rural communities, we positively impact lives and our community.
Sadly Festival Dance ended last year with a $4,000 deficit. Because of the power of our programs and our strategic vision, we absorbed that loss while continuing to maintain and improve our existing programs that touch the lives of so many. We have made prudent choices and cut expenses where appropriate; however, due to circumstances beyond our control we are projecting an even larger deficit this year. With your financial support, you can help us reverse this trend. We are looking to you to help us continue to make a positive difference. Every dollar matters.
Already this year we have reached 8,600 people through our programs. Enriching lives is what we do.
This is what your contribution can do:
$1,000 can allow us to offer free ballet classes in Lapwai, Idaho for an entire semester for all interested youth.
$500 can pay for 6 hotel rooms to accommodate 12 professional dancers we bring to town to perform.
$350 can pay for 15 Senior Citizens to attend a world class performance.
$250 can pay for 10,000 post cards to advertise our enriching and diverse dance series.
$150 can pay for a bus, driver, and fuel to bring 3 classes of 3rd graders to an educational performance.
$25 to $100 can contribute to a dance scholarship for a student whose family is struggling financially.
Imagine the feeling you’ll get, knowing you have touched the lives of children and adults by making the performing arts more accessible, enhancing quality of life, and making a positive difference in these scary times. We appreciate your help.
To donate, please contact us at 208-883-3267.
Yours in dance-