Morgan is the girl that gives. That’s why Festival Dance wanted to give her something in return…a featured spot
on our Dancer Biography Blog. Morgan
Dial is known for her enthusiasm and kind-heart. She really gives her all to everyone and
Morgan is constantly striving to be the best role model for
her younger sister, Katie. In fact, it
was her loving response about her sister, at the Distinguished Young Women of
Moscow scholarship competition, that cemented her earning the Self-Expression
Award. At the competition, Morgan chose
dance for the talent portion.

One of her favorite performances to date was Festival
Dance’s “A Magical Peter Pan Christmas 2008”.
Her Lost Boy patched costume and “dirt-like” makeup made the performance
particularly memorable. Morgan was recently
fond of her colorful Bollywood coin-embellished skirt and bracelet bangles from
this year’s spring recital. Morgan loves
her dance costumes and all fashion.
Morgan would love to own her own clothing store one day.
To achieve her dream, Morgan will be working extra hard
during her senior year at Moscow High School.
She is especially excited for her printmaking class. She has already completed all of the other
art classes offered and has loved them all. However, Morgan is less enthusiastic about all
of the college applications she must complete this fall. Luckily, she already has the SATs out of the
way! Morgan would like to attend the University of Idaho and study
Festival Dance would like to wish Morgan the best of luck
during her final year at Moscow High School!
We encourage everyone to come to watch Morgan’s Senior Solo at our free
Spring Recital in May 2014. It will be